We will endeavour to bring you updates on practice news and interesting information from the world of gynaecology as they come to hand please click on any of the topics below for more information.
Recent Publications
Please click link to view papers published by Dr Rhonda Farrell PUBLICATIONS and Presentations by Dr Farrell
Ovarian Cancer Research Fundraiser 18/08/18
Yvonne & John Husband will be hosting an ovarian cancer research fundraiser on the 18th of August from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Please click on the link to get all details. YH Ovarian cancer Fundraiser
Ovarian Cancer Fundraising Auction 17/06/18
A fund raising auction has been organised by Mr John Moran at the Rozelle Markets on Sunday the 17th of June. All proceeds will go to ovarian cancer research being conducted by Dr Rhonda Farrell. Prizes at this stage
Welcome Susan Nash to the team
We’d like to welcome psychologist Susan Nash to our Practice, you can read about what Susan brings to the Team in her Bio.
Donate To Gynaecological Cancer Research
For donations for research into gynaecological cancer supported by Dr Farrell and ASGO (Australian Society of Gynaecological Oncologists) Please download and return the form